Open Dates
Open to The Public
- Mondays - Thursdays
Private Connections Book Yours Today
- Fridays - Saturdays 11:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Closed Sundays
Fall Hours will begin on November 1st.
- Open Friday 4:00-9:00 Saturday 11:00 - 9:00
- Private Christmas Party bookings only.
Steele-N-Jo's Bone we will be open on the following weekends
- July 22-23
- September 16-17th
- August 12th-13th
- October 28-29th
Closed for the Season November 20th – Spring 2023
Private Bookings Available
- Up to 50 people in winter months
- 200 people during regular season
Proud Sponsors of Brody’s Ride for Camp Hayden
We are proud to be part of the Brody’s Ride for Camp Hayden Family of Sponsors. Shout out to the Boner Tribe for your continued support of the Ride. Special thanks to all of the additional sponsors, volunteers, everyone who donated raffle items, and Camp Hayden. Together we enable Camp Hayden’s mission to provide Accessible Adventures for All! Brody’ Ride for Camp Hayden 2022 was a huge success!