Kip Attaway is celebrating his 70th birthday and Jessica is celebrating her 46th right here in Bone!
Kip will take the stage in our outdoor amphitheater to share 70 years worth of laugh out loud cowboy comedy. This show is not appropriate for children….adult swim only;).
Doors open at 5:30 for food and drinks
Show runs from 7:00-9:00.
Stick around for some birthday cake and enjoy the evening with us around the fire. We close at 10:00 p.m.
Bring your chairs, blankets (its chilly in Bone in the fall) and the rest of your posse and join us for another legendary weekend in Bone!
Overnight parking is available! Stay for the weekend and enjoy Oktoberfest in Bone!
Cheers to Legends and Legacies Out Where The Wild Things Are.