The Amphitheater

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The Amphitheater is located on the south side of the property and accommodates up to 250 people. The Amphitheater is an awesome location for weddings, casual gatherings, parties, corporate gatherings, and barbecues.

Capacity: 250 People


  • Stage equipped with power and lights
  • 10 picnic-style tables, 1 banquet table, and 2 display tables
  • 2 Large Garbage Cans
  • Private Event Port-a-Potty can be Arragned


$1800.00 for 12 hours

Hours of availability 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. day of occasion.

$800.00 non-refundable reservation deposit due at the time of reservation.

$500.00 damage/nuisance/cleaning deposit by check (refundable if venue left in same condition it was found and no damage or nuisance occurred while client and guests were on-premises)

Remaining reservation deposit due no later than 7 days prior to the occasion.


Reservation Request

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MM slash DD slash YYYY
Type of Event

We’re going back to our roots

Steele’n’ Jo’s will once again return to its roots as a general store as well as an event venue. We will no longer have a restaurant.